
Fostering Innovation and Employee Engagement through myeNovation.

Client Overview

Our client, a thriving SME with multiple plants and an average workforce of 300 employees per plant, sought to invigorate their innovation culture and enhance employee engagement. They faced challenges typical of growing organizations, including communication gaps, limited feedback channels, and a need for streamlined processes to capture and implement employee ideas effectively.

1. Employees lacked timely feedback and recognition for their contributions, leading to decreased morale.
2. The existing process for sharing ideas was cumbersome and hindered participation.
3. Challenges in the reward system affected motivation and recognition.
4. Mean Time to Implement was prolonged due to manual processes and lack of automation.
5. Biased behavior and inconsistent engagement practices impacted overall team morale.

Implementation of myeNovation

1. Streamlined Idea Submission: The myeNovation platform introduced a user-friendly interface for idea submission, accessible anytime and from anywhere. Employees could now share their ideas seamlessly, enhancing participation and inclusivity.

2. Real-time Feedback and Recognition: Immediate notifications and feedback mechanisms were integrated into the platform, ensuring employees received timely responses and recognition for their contributions. This boosted morale and engagement levels significantly.

3. Automated Reward System: The revamped reward system, powered by myeNovation, introduced transparent reward mechanisms and automated processes. Employees could track their progress, earn rewards, and redeem them hassle-free, fostering a culture of healthy competition and motivation.  

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Results Achieved

1. Surge in Idea Generation: Within six months of implementing myeNovation, there was a 60% increase in the number of ideas submitted. This influx of ideas showcased the untapped potential within the workforce and fueled innovation across departments.

2. Improved Quality and Efficiency: The implementation of employee suggestions led to tangible improvements in product quality and process efficiency. Customer complaints reduced by 40%, indicating a positive impact on overall customer satisfaction.

3. Enhanced Employee Morale: With real-time feedback, transparent recognition systems, and a culture of appreciation, employee morale saw a significant boost. This reflected in improved teamwork, higher productivity, and reduced turnover rates.

4. Operational Optimization: By reducing MTTI by 50%, myeNovation streamlined processes and encouraged faster implementation of valuable ideas. This operational optimization resulted in cost savings and increased agility in responding to market demands.

The next challenge was interpreting the vast amount of data collected to find and reveal the right guidelines. Regular check-ins and close collaboration between myenovation, Victor, and the stakeholders were crucial for a correct interpretation of the data and for detecting the right insights. It was also essential to communicate the guidelines in an accessible and understandable way - even for individuals on the Center Parcs team who weren’t familiar with the terminology or with the methods used (such as conjoint and MaxDiff).


The successful integration of myeNovation transformed our client's organizational dynamics, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. By leveraging technology to empower employees and streamline processes, they not only overcame existing challenges but also positioned themselves for sustained growth and competitiveness in their industry.

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Iva Divic

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